Corporate Information


Information of ISO9001 and ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)


Year of Approval 1997
Approved by LRQA Limited
Extent of Application
  • Project management, sales, engineering, design, procurement and construction management for installation and maintenance of power plants (including overseas projects and nuclear power plants) and various industrial plants (including other nuclear equipment).
  • Manufacture of steel products, electrical and / or instrumentation products.
  • Assembly and welding of piping.
Sections Involved All divisions, departments and sections of Head Office, Saitama Factory, Branches (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Tokyo, Nagoya, Hokuriku, Wakasa, Osaka, Chugoku, and Kyushu), General Offices, Construction Sites, Operation Offices
  • ・LRQA Limited is one of the leading organizations undertaking authorization and registration of various kinds of codes, licenses, standards and other public authorizations worldwide.

ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Code Authorization

Year of Authorization 1984
Authorized Inspector The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company
Authorized Code Stamps
-S: Manufacture and Assembly of Power Boilers [S-2]
-A: Assembly of Power Boilers [A-2]
-PP: Fabrication and Assembly of Power Boilers [PP-2]
-U: Manufacture of Pressure Vessels [U-4]
Sections Involved Saitama Factory authorized in 1994.
Taihei Alltech Const.(Phil.)Inc
Taihei Alltech Construction (Phil.), Inc. and Santa Rosa Factory Production Division authorized in 1994.

・The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) establishes "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes" which defines standard for manufacture and assembly of boilers and pressure vessels. "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code" are now being referenced internationally to the specifications of all kinds of boilers and pressure vessels.
・Taihei Dengyo Kaisha, Ltd. commits to meet customer's needs and fulfill its social responsibilities based on its quality assurance system and design and production capability to meet requirement of the "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code".